
Using a vacuum force created in glass cups placed onto the skin's surface to encourage blood flow underneath the skin, which promotes healing, reduces pain and relaxing stiff muscles.

Cupping Therapy - Hijama

What Is Cupping?

Cupping is a therapeutic technique using a vacuum force created in glass cups placed onto the skin’s surface. This suction encourages blood flow underneath the skin, which promotes healing, reduces pain and relaxing stiff muscles. Cups can be placed on most body areas, including the neck, shoulder and back. Common methods include Flash Cupping, Gliding cupping, and suction cupping, which are used interchangeably, sometimes it may be combined with acupuncture or bloodletting treatment according to your condition. Our physicians are trained to adhere to safety precautions and possess adequate cupping competency.


Why Do You Need Cupping?


Alleviate pain and inflammation due to rheumatism.

Acute strains and sprains

Reducing swelling, increasing blood flow, and accelerating the healing process

Facial paralysis

Stimulate blood circulation and nerve function,

Acute exogenous diseases

Strengthen the immune system and expel toxins


relieve congestion and improve lung function.

Stomach pains

Promoting better digestion, reducing inflammation, and relaxing the abdominal muscles

Early stages of abscesses

Improve blood circulation and promote the healing process, useful for the early stages of abscesses, sores, and similar skin conditions.

Benefits of Cupping

Man receiving a cupping therapy in Saigon. Multiple vacuum cup of medical cupping therapy
Young woman receiving vacuum cupping treatment


Relieves Body Fatigue

Cupping therapy uses suction to stimulate acupoints on the body, which not only alleviates fatigue but also helps to draw out the cold and stagnant blood around the spine, promoting blood circulation and reducing stasis.


Nourishing and Supporting the body's vital organs:

By stimulating acupoints, cupping can protect internal organs. Acupoints and meridians are closely connected to the organs. For example, cupping at the Yongquan point can help nourish the kidneys, improve eyesight, and benefit the five internal organs.


Eliminates Internal Cold

Cupping provides a warming and stimulating effect on the body, which helps to expel internal cold. When cold accumulates, it can turn into harmful toxins.


Unblocks Meridians

Regular cupping therapy can unblock the meridians, prevent diseases, and is especially beneficial for women's health maintenance.
Not for Everyone

Cupping Is not Suitable For

Bleeding or clotting disorders

Due to the risk of excessive bleeding.

Heart disease

Cupping can increase blood flow and may not be safe for individuals with certain heart conditions.

Liver, kidney, or heart failure

Due to compromised organ function and potential complications.


It might affect the growth of the fetus, it is generally recommended to avoid cupping therapy during pregnancy.

Cupping Marks

What Does It Mean?

The marks will slowly fade before disappearing completely after approximately 1 week depending on the skin’s regenerative ability. Light pink marks fade within a few minutes to an hour, while dark red marks fade between 3 days to a week.

Light pink



Active circulation, energy, inflammation

Dark purple or blue

Stagnation, blockages, water retention


Old blood, toxin release

White or pale

Weak energy, cold imbalances

Dark purple-black

Lack of blood, heavy stagnation

Purple with small dark spots

Cold blood stasis, overconsumption of cold food

Consistent purple spots

Blood stasis due to agitation and hot temperament

Bright red

Yin-deficiency, lack of moisture

Dark red

High blood cholesterol, pathogenic heat

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